Dysphagia is a condition where people have extreme difficulty in swallowing food. This is particularly evident in elderly patients with severe acid reflux problems, patients suffering from oral, throat or esophageal cancers, etc. In some cases, narrowing of the esophageal tract or the food pipe can be a cause of concern. Sometimes, painful swallowing or odynophagia due to fungal infections can worsen the health condition for the elderly patients. Such people are generally kept under medication inclusive of mouth rinsing solutions to be used multiple times a day for reducing the problem. The family members can seek the help of palliative care provisions under such situations.
Common Occurrence and the Causes of Dysphagia in Elderly Patients
The causes of Dysphagia can be articulated under two separate categories:
- Improper Functioning of the Muscles and Nerves of the Esophagus and Throat
- Brain injury, strokes or hurting of the spinal cord
- Nervous system disorders or diseases including Parkinson’s disease, post-polio syndrome, destruction of the protective cover on the nerve cells in the spinal cord or brain called multiple sclerosis, and dystrophy in the muscular system
- Immune system disorder or inflammatory conditions such as dermatomyositis and polymyositis
- Sudden squeezing of the esophageal tract, causing blockage for the food to pass to the stomach; the condition is called esophagus spasm
- Narrowed and hardening of the esophageal tissues or scleroderma
- Blockage in the Throat or Esophagus
- Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the commonest of complications where the acid from the stomach is thrust into the esophagus tract often producing ulcer after a certain period
- Inflammation in the esophagus or esophagitis can often result from an allergic reaction to polluted air or food contamination
- Formation of small sacs in the esophagus or throat called Diverticula
- Cancerous and non-cancerous esophageal tumors
Food for Elderly with Swallowing Difficulties
Here are some helpful tips and list of food items that can be the part of different servings for seniors with swallowing complications:
- Try to include soft food items such as homemade fresh yogurt, ice creams, custard and pudding at different points of time
- Mix and blend the dry food with broth, curries, milk, soups, sauces to moisten them to a consistent level to ease the food passage
- Always provide a straw while serving fruit juices, tea coffee etc. Do not serve beverages with soda and caffeine contents as these substances may further aggravate the inflammation
- Give them milkshakes, protein shakes blended with recommended nutrition supplements to suffice the regular calorie requirements
- Rice and other cereals should be boiled to soften the contents enough to ease the swallowing. Mash the food so that it is helpful in skipping the chewing process that can be painful for patients with oral infections
Sometimes patients with dysphagia have dry mouth problems as well. The disorder often arises from certain continued medication, dehydration or health problem. The senior careproviders should take special note of the issue. Dry mouth occurs due to the lack of sufficient saliva production in the oral tract. If such situations persist, the family members should consult the doctor to seek instant help.
Source: Image courtesy of tiramisustudio FreeDigitalPhotos.net